Enhancing Biomass Cogeneration with Rawlings Manufacturing's Wood Waste Grinders


Cogeneration, also known as Combined Heat and Power (CHP),is a highly efficient technology that concurrently produces electricity and heat. This approach currently contributes to 11% of electricity and 15% of heat generation in Europe. Utilizing fuel to generate heat and electricity simultaneously in a single unit proves more efficient and cost-effective than separate units. Biomass power plays a pivotal role in this process, utilizing organic materials like wood waste. Rawlings Manufacturing's wood waste grinder shave emerged as vital components in biomass power plants, offering a sustainable solution to address energy needs.


BiomassPower Overview:

Biomass, sourced from organic materials such as trees,plants, and various waste types, serves multiple purposes like heating,electricity generation, and transport fuels. In the European Union (EU),increased biomass utilization fosters energy supply diversification, economic growth, job creation, and reduced greenhouse gas emissions. Biomass power,derived from renewable organic waste, specifically targets materials like scrap lumber, forest debris, certain crops, manure, municipal waste, and specific wood residues.  Bioenergy remains the primary source of renewable energy in the EU, constituting almost 60%, with the heating and cooling sector being the largest consumer.


EnergyLandscape in the USA and North America:

In 2022, the electric power sector dominated U.S.utility-scale electricity generation, contributing 96% of the total. Other sectors like transportation, industrial, residential, and commercial, referred to as end-use sectors, consumed electricity produced by the power sector.Renewable energy achieved record highs, constituting approximately 13% of both total energy production and consumption. This increase is attributed to significant contributions from solar, wind, and hydroelectric power. Notably, biomass energy production and consumption were higher in 2022 than in 2021.


 RawlingsManufacturing's Contribution:

Since 1976, Rawlings Manufacturing has been at the fore front of manufacturing wood waste grinders that operate in some of the largest biomass power plants in the United States. These grinders transform low-gradematerials like wood waste into valuable fuel while diverting material that traditionally has been landfilled.   Biomass contributed 5% to U.S. energy in 2022,accounting for 5% of total U.S. primary energy consumption.


KeyFeatures of Rawlings Wood Waste Grinders:

Rawlings wood waste grinders are pivotal in the biomass cogeneration process. By efficiently converting wood waste into valuable fuel,these grinders contribute to the production of carbon-neutral electricity. Theresulting biomass power is generated from renewable organic waste that would otherwise be landfilled. Rawlings' grinders ensure homogenous fuel, crucial for maintaining boiler balance and minimizing emissions. Customizable options,including work platform decks, conveyors, metal protection, and product screening, cater to specific processing needs and budgets. The availability of stationary, portable, and skid-mount models enhances flexibility.



As a proven leader in size reduction technology, RawlingsManufacturing offers tailored wood recovery systems that play a vital role in biomass cogeneration efforts. Their wood waste grinders contribute to the production of sustainable and cost-effective biomass power, aligning with the evolving energy landscape and promoting a brighter future for renewable energy in the United States. Contact Rawlings Manufacturing today to explore how their wood waste grinders can enhance your biomass cogeneration initiatives.